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Viktor Schauberger’s Reasoning about Crisis
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"The technique that only uses explosion or expansion forces is lethal and hostile to the nature. This kind of technique must miss the natural counter force or the organic synthesis which is a negative room of quality - The Organic Vacuum - that reunites the polar and the increasing to the favour of  the uprising of a new life form..."

Viktor Schauberger

"I must furnish those, who would protect or save life, with an energy source, which produces energy so cheaply that nuclear fission will not only be uneconomical, but ridiculous. This is the task I have set myself in what little life I have left."
- Viktor Schauberger in a letter to Aloys Kokaly in 1953 - Implosion Magazine No. 29, p.22.
Excerpt from Patent Letter to Munich Patent Office
From Implosion Magazine, No. 87, written in Linz, September 1955.
By reason of research work carried out over more than 30 years, I can provide irrefutable proof that centrifugal acceleration triggers off decentrating, reactive forces. Through the hitherto unnoticed, instant­aneous pole-reversal in the lower world of bipolar basic elements, decomposive forces evolve in the media of water and air. This results in the killing off of noble bacteria. In the dying water symptoms of decay appear and pathogenic bacteria come to life, leading to the development of cancer. For this reason the unreal systems of motion taught in all universities are the true cause of cancer. Plasmic disturbances occur, which for lack of adequate replenishment of qualigen, lead to the death of the cells, if metallic toxins form on the cell-membrane. This happens as a result of the accumulation of certain metal ions, to which the oligodynamic extermination of pathogenic bacteria by silver ions is also attributable. These do indeed disinfect the contaminated water, although further possibilities for re-infestation are not removed. On the contrary, if the causes are not correctly combatted biologically, then increas­ingly developmentally harmful parasites gradually propagate in the further degenerating water, resulting in its total contamination.
The same applies to chlorinated water, since in both cases processes of elec­trolytic decomposition occur. Georg Krause of Munich was able to control this so accurately with his electro-catadyne process that the water thus treated was apparently purified bacterially and hence became potable drinking water. In reality, however, water thus treated is not immune to the toxic effects resulting from the formation of increasingly dangerous bacteria. As is the case with agriculture, these have to be combatted with even stronger poisonous sprays. However, if water or air is moved predominantly centripetally in specially constructed and alloyed suction-screw systems (my principal patent claim), then a negative ion concentration evolves of up to 90%, which emulsifies the attendant oxygen. This results in a drop in pressure and heat, due to the specific densation of the naturally moving, through-flowing material. In this case concentrative reactive forces are active. Their products become densified along the longitudinal axis and propagate in a predominantly vertical direc­tion. On account of their enormous velocity, they draw up the device that produces them in their wake.
Seen from this point of view, the assertion by a nuclear physicist in the USSR is correct. He stated that all the available information in classical physics textbooks concerning the attraction of mass is a stupendous mistake, since there is no such thing as an attracting force or mass-attraction. With increasing distance from the Earth, the velocity of the self-purifying, emanat­ing substances becomes so great that an atomic vacuum or vacuity is created behind them. As is known, this also develops behind a fast-moving vehicle and draws a closely-following motorcyclist along with it.
This forward and upward suction also evolves in naturally inwound water, to which the stationary trout owe their motionless stance in fast-flowing water. Even the uplifting of the trout in waterfalls is founded on this action of suction, if the falling water-masses flow naturalesquely and inwind. In all cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes forces are active, albeit hitherto unknown reactive forces, which are the causal agents of this catastrophic upward-wrenching effect. Conversely, every propeller (the archimedean pressure-screw) functions like a dynamo and because of this the mysterious air-crashes over particularly charged or potentiated areas of water and high-grade forests can be correctly understood for the first time, due to the fact that these areas send pressure-sensitive ions aloft.
When the bankers, who were financing conventional hydroelectric power stations and the manufacture of aircraft fitted with propellers or other forms of pressure screw, began to understand my fairly detailed explanations, it was no wonder that such financial institutions and their patent attorneys lost all interest in the granting of patent rights. As an old-age pensioner, I am not in a position to take up arms successfully against the whole scientific establish­ment. For this reason I have to remain silent, keeping the most pertinent and crucial details from the public until I have managed to find other financiers.
Excerpts from Letter No. 7 to Josef Brunnader
Written in Linz, 1/4/1958
For years the Austrian Patent Office has disputed the novelty of a system of pipes that eliminates pressure, friction and an increase in heat almost entirely. This movement and the simultaneous cooling of medial structures at equally high velocities can be achieved, through which the introduced gases can also be liquefied. Up to now this could only be done with extremely expensive high-pressure (viz. liquid air). The product of such liquefaction - liquid air - is highly explosive.
Precisely the opposite can be achieved through the displacement of the centre of gravity into the axis. In the process a suctional force evolves, whose suction-tip accelerates ahead, producing a cooling effect. For every 1°C (1.8°F) cooled the volume of the moved mass is reduced by 1 /273rd.
The result of this specific densation of medial structures or introduced gases, is a water-like liquid, which functions implosively and generates an atomic negative pressure. This effect can be intensified at will and is also the best and cheapest form of mechanical power. I have called it a 'biological vacuum', which is unknown to science. This utterly new principle for generating mechanical power has therefore remained incomprehensible. It is a principle that serves the build-up of the levitational force, which counteracts gravitation and enables the force of gravity to be overcome naturalesquely.
Since every body loses weight in proportion to the degree to which it is displaced by a specifically densifying medium, it is to this phenomenon that the true stationary trout owes its almost absolute freedom of movement, and is accelerated forward and upwards like a plum-stone, when squeezed between index finger and thumb. In this manner the weight of the body becomes uninteresting (see fig. 38a).

By inverting Archimedes' law the hitherto unnoticed possibility arises for a body to lose weight as its volume is displaced (reduced). This results in the forward and upward squeezing of a tear-drop-shaped foreign body through the sudden densation (liquefaction of the bipolar gas content) of the medium surrounding it. This is to be contrasted with the specific de-densation (rarefaction) that occurs, when medial structures are moved in a pressure-, heat- and friction-increasing fashion - techno-academically. In this case the medium surrounding the foreign body expands and the body falls through it (see fig. 38b).
From this not only can the effects produced by a rising thermal gradient now be understood, but also why tremendous forces are required to counter­act this specific de-densation of the surrounding medium. In other words, counter-forces nearly nine times as strong have to be produced in order to overcome the effects of this erroneous form of motion, which increases the heaviness of a foreign body such as an aeroplane for example.
On the other hand, when a falling thermal gradient is triggered naturalesquely, under certain preconditions it specifically densifies the medium of water or air almost instantaneously and liquefies voluminous gases in the creation of a progressively intensifying negative pressure. This functions in the same way as the above squeeze-pressure on the plum-stone. Thus it also becomes understandable how this new type of aircraft acquires almost total freedom of movement like the true stationary trout, which specifically densifies the falling water.
Of necessity, therefore, either this techno-academic method of moving medial structures must be prohibited or, through the specific rarefaction of the various media, the hapless victims of this abysmal stupidity will inevitably perish.
Letter to Mr 'R'
From Implosion Magazine, No. 82, written in Linz, 4th February 1958.
Dear Mr R,
Thank you for your two letters and enclosures. You conceive the matter to be much simpler than it actually is. Above all, you overlook the fact that it concerns the whole of contemporary, technological science, which believes it can correct Nature and without exception exploits a rising energy gradient. In so doing, it triggers reversed processes of molecular transformation and fosters the build-up of decomposive energies, instead of generating the repro­ductive and ennobling products of emulsion.
The culmination of this tragic, abortive development was the fissile atomic energy of Einstein.
Thirty eight years ago as I was building the first log-flume and mixed and moved the water in such manner as to trigger a falling thermal gradient, I had no inkling that this was the initial stage in the build-up of a concentrating form of atomic energy. Acting purely intuitively I proceeded further along this course. In 1921 I built the first suction-turbine to provide and light my remote forest-homestead with electricity.10 With it I achieved an almost nine­fold increase in output. This I deemed to be the most natural thing in the world and once again took the next further step. I utilised this falling thermal gradient for the purposes of re-converting polluted water into noble water - akin to that of high-altitude springs. This water exhibited remarkable healing properties that nobody was able to explain. As time went by I took out over 70 patents, but not being much of a businessman, I was unable to exploit them commercially. Eventually the doctors and pharmacists became aware of these mysterious healing successes. Just as they did Priefinitz and Kneipp, they accused me of charlatanry and one day the Austrian State Police appeared and confiscated my apparatus.
10 See Jet Turbine Patent (No. 117749) in The Water Wizard, Vol. I of the Ecotechnology series, p. 206. — Ed.
I then went to Nuremberg, where a laboratory had been placed at my disposal. There I discovered that what I was actually concerned with were emanations with different functions. There are pure rays, which animate and enliven. There are also types of rays that debilitate, and lastly there are indifferent rays, which serve to build up or decompose water (see fig. 23 &figs. 1-3). The first are released from so-called microzymes when water moves under a falling thermal gradient. The second are activated when water moves under a rising thermal gradient, whereas the former build up the corporeal elements, which bind one thing with another.
From that moment I recognised the erroneous form of motion employed by the whole of science and exposed it for what it was. On doing so, I stumbled into a veritable hornet's nest and began to feel the full force of the omni­potence of my scientific adversaries. I was challenged to provide proof. Whenever I did this, I was robbed to such an extent that there was no other course was open to me other than to remain silent once more. In the February issue of 'Weltgewissen' you will be able to read that these devices, which the Austrian State Police took from me, are now being manufactured in Germany with enormous success. This has happened to me twelve times. Every time I had something fabricated, all I was given were the leftovers, while the best part was retained and exploited commercially by others. Or the apparatus was never made public (see the suction-turbine), although I had paid all the agreed development costs myself. Subsequently such large sums were demanded of me, which lay far beyond my capacity to pay, and the machines I was struggling to build were withheld as security against payment.
I then began to work covertly and in this way succeeded in producing workable machines. I then first became aware of what I had discovered, namely higher-grade atomic energies. At this stage "Demonstrate it!", "Prove it!", "Let it be examined!" was and is always demanded. If I concur, then all is lost. If I do not, however, then I am a fraud. 'M' requested that I show the gadget to him and some of his friends and that I hand over the patents to the VSB, otherwise he would cancel the public demonstration. "Do it then I", I replied. Whereupon he withdrew his threats.
Then along came a major German industrialist with his scientific advisors. He investigated the process and found it in order. Statements were made expressing readiness to proceed with fabrication and cost evaluation and then, yes, then one will just have to wait and see. All they are, are empty promises, never kept. Now representatives of the U.S. government have announced themselves. They too want to see and evaluate everything first, and then, only then will it be considered what might be done. I requested a provisional agreement, which would only come into force once I proved that I could achieve significantly increased output. This was rejected. First see, then negotiate and the outcome was always the same. Professors also want first to see, evaluate and then, aye and then take over.
My dear Mr R, I have now reached the point where they can all kiss the place where my spinal column terminates. I am old and seriously ill. My only concern now is for all the poor children, who are faced with a grisly future. If I reveal everything, it will only be hushed up, because it not only involves the whole scientific establishment, but also the doctrines of the church. All power-politics will collapse once the truth emerges that science is the actual causative agent of cancer.
I have no need of the VSB, neither as curiosity seekers, nor even as those hungry for business. I know that lot only too well! This is how the matter stands, my dear Mr R. I intend to return to the forest once more, there to die in peace. The whole of science and all its hangers-on, are nothing but a band of thieves, who are suspended like marionettes and must dance to whatever tune their well-camouflaged slave-masters deem necessary. In this situation only a frightful catastrophe may perhaps bring about order. In the achieve­ment of such generalised order at least 90% of humanity will fall victim. They will perish because of water and blood decomposition (cancer). The final victory will be achieved by the Russians, who are closer to Nature and who, according to the Pfalzer Tageblatt of the 14th January 1957, are nearest to the overcoming of gravity. This, however, will only be understood by the West when it is already too late.
You, Mr R, are still young and will live to see this. I know it, but can do nothing to change it myself. Please don't attempt to persuade me otherwise. In order to put their remains to the best use, pigs and human beings are only weighed after they are dead. One day in the near future, you will hear that this old turnip is no more.
Kindest regards, Viktor Schauberger.
The Energy Evolution. Harnessing Free Energy from Nature. Viktor Schauberger.
Translated an edited by  Callum Coats.
Volume Four of Eco-Technology, 2000.